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Commonly Treated Conditions

Common Conditions That We Treat

Safe, Gentle and Targeted Treatments that Help You Feel Better

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft Tissue Injuries

Tendonitis, Bursitis, Calcifications, Sprains and Strains

Being active also means getting hurt sometimes. Be it through repetitive work, prolonged postures, and sports injuries. Most injuries are soft tissue injuries involving muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. Shockwave Therapy has a high success rate for most Soft Tissue injuries. Recovery is fast, and it’s also non-invasive. We typically get good results treating Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, Runner’s Knee, and Calcified Tendonitis in the shoulders.

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Muscle Tension, Injury and Cervicogenic

Most common headaches are from muscle tension involving the muscles that run from the back of your head, down your neck to your shoulders and upper back. These tight and stiff muscles can cause headaches. Releasing these tense muscles and the vertebral neck joints that are locked up can offer fast relief from headaches. We also evaluate for other causes of headaches like concussions and neurological causes. If this is the case, we will work with your doctor to help you get the care you need.

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Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Don’t play injured. Have your injuries treated right away

Injuries from sports means less time playing and more time in recovery and rehabilitation. Getting treatment right away is crucial. Injuries that are left untreated can develop into a chronic problem that will be hard to treat later. It will also hamper your sport if you continue to play injured and make you less productive. Early progression of osteoarthritis, chronic tendonitis, and bursitis, joint stiffness, and pain are all common conditions in sports injuries that are left unattended. Sports injuries will heal more quickly if you deal with it right away. We will also help you prevent getting injured with some basic home exercises.

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Back Pain

Back Pain

Musculoskeletal, Sprain, Strain, and Disc-Related Pain

Back pain can manifest in many types of pain, depending on the cause, injury, and location of the back pain. Weakness, numbness, and tingling in the legs may also accompany back pain sometimes. Tight leg and hip muscles can also cause low back pain. Almost all our patients get home exercises and stretches to help them recover faster. You will get a thorough exam first to determine what type of back pain you have. You will then be offered treatment options that will help you get better quickly.

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Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

ICBC Pays For Your Treatments

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident either as a passenger, driver, or pedestrian can cause a great deal of pain, soreness and emotional discomfort. Immediate pain or soreness might not be apparent right away. However, symptoms like trouble sleeping, neck and back pain, anxiety, and fear are some of the common symptoms that will appear later. We work with your family doctor, other healthcare providers and ICBC to get help you get back to a healthy, pain-free life as soon as possible. We bill ICBC directly, so there is no out of pocket costs for you.

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Pregnancy (Pain and Discomfort)

Pregnancy (Pain and Discomfort)

Back and hip pain

During the later stages of pregnancy, you might start getting back and hip pain. Although this is considered to be a normal process of pregnancy, you do have options to help make the pregnancy less uncomfortable. It can all be done painlessly, quickly, and also drug-free. In the later part of the second trimester and third trimester, your joints in your low back and hips might feel sore and slightly misaligned. This discomfort is not unusual as the hormone Relaxin is preparing you for childbirth. The ligaments in the pelvis soften, and the joints in the pelvis also tend to shift more easily.

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Neck Pain and Stiffness

Neck Pain and Stiffness

Whiplash, Accidents, Falls, Ergonomics and Posture

Sitting in front of a computer screen for too long, a car accident, or even a fall can cause neck pain. Sometimes it’s from arthritis, a neck disc bulge, or just looking down on your mobile phone all the time. Neck pain does not have to be caused by a significant traumatic event like an accident. Repetitive micro-trauma over an extended time will cause your neck muscles to stiffen and your neck vertebral joints to get locked up more often. The result is chronic neck pain. Treatments and lifestyle changes usually gets rid of neck pain.

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Work Injuries

Work Injuries

WorkSafeBC Claims – No Cost To You

Getting injured at work can be costly in terms of time and income. Depending on the severity of the injury, it also could mean more time in recovery and rehabilitation. Getting treatment right away is crucial. If you get injured from work, lets us know, and we will work with your claims adjuster so you will not have to pay to get treatment. Your Work Safe BC Claims Adjuster will usually approve you for a treatment plan to help you get better faster. Your work injury will also heal more quickly if you deal with it right away.

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Foot Pain

Foot Pain

Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Achilles Tendonitis, Bunions, Ankle, Knee and Hip Pain

The most common type of foot pain is probably Plantar Fasciitis. It can happen suddenly or gradually over time. The pain is usually at the bottom of your foot. It might be worse around your heel and arch of your foot. Other types of foot pain can be forefoot pain at the bottom of your foot, pain at the top, or in your Achilles tendon. Other then an injury, illness or accident, these are all signs of a biomechanical problem of your feet and the way you are walking. Ankle, Knee, and hip pain might also be the result of an improper gait. Almost all mechanical imbalances can be treated successfully by wearing customized orthotics or a simple re-alignment of the foot.

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Watch How Orthotics Can Help

Not just for Foot Pain

More than just getting rid of foot pain, custom Orthotics can also help resolve a wide range of other conditions that do not appear to be related to the foot.

  • Back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Heel Pain

Most of those conditions will resolve entirely just by wearing customized Orthotics.

To find out more, take take a few minutes to watch this short video.  You won’t be disappointed.

Watch How Orthotics Can Help

Not just for Foot Pain

More than just getting rid of foot pain, custom Orthotics can also help resolve a wide range of other conditions that do not appear to be related to the foot.

  • Back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Heel Pain

Most of those conditions will resolve entirely just by wearing customized Orthotics.

To find out more, take take a few minutes to watch this short video.  You won’t be disappointed.

Tendonitis, Bursitis, Spasms, Calcifications, Sprains and Strains

Soft Tissue injuries

Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver has had a high success rate treating numerous types of Soft Tissue Injuries.  Using a combination of Shockwave Therapy, Active Release, Joint Manipulation, specific exercises, and stretches, we can help you get back to a pain-free lifestyle again.  Achieving a high success rate of 75% – 95% is possible with the help of Shockwave Therapy and a proper treatment plan.

The most common types of Soft Tissue Injuries such as Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, Tendinitis, Frozen Shoulder, Bursitis, Pulled Hamstring, Muscle Spasms, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Runner’s Knee and Plantar Fasciitis have all responded well to our treatment plan.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver has been able to return a high percentage of his chronic Soft Tissue Injury patients to work and play pain-free within a few short weeks.

Remember that most soft tissue injuries are an accumulation of micro-injuries over a long period.  Don’t expect it to heal and resolve after only one visit to our Chiropractor in West Vancouver.  Stay with the prescribed treatment plan and allow the body to heal and repair itself naturally.

Tendonitis, Bursitis, Spasms, Calcifications, Sprains and Strains

Soft Tissue injuries

Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver has had a high success rate treating numerous types of Soft Tissue Injuries.  Using a combination of Shockwave Therapy, Active Release, Joint Manipulation, specific exercises, and stretches, we can help you get back to a pain-free lifestyle again.  Achieving a high success rate of 75% – 95% is possible with the help of Shockwave Therapy and a proper treatment plan.

The most common types of Soft Tissue Injuries such as Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, Tendinitis, Frozen Shoulder, Bursitis, Pulled Hamstring, Muscle Spasms, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Runner’s Knee and Plantar Fasciitis have all responded well to our treatment plan.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver has been able to return a high percentage of his chronic Soft Tissue Injury patients to work and play pain-free within a few short weeks.

Remember that most soft tissue injuries are an accumulation of micro-injuries over a long period.  Don’t expect it to heal and resolve after only one visit to our Chiropractor in West Vancouver.  Stay with the prescribed treatment plan and allow the body to heal and repair itself naturally.

Musculoskeletal, Sprain, Strain, and Disc-Related Pain

Back pain

The back is incredibly complex, and there are many elements of this intricate structure, such as tendons, ligaments, discs, muscles, bones, and joints.  Therefore, one single problem area or injury can cause a chain reaction to other parts of your spine. Whether you’re struggling with upper, middle, or lower back pain, we can usually find the root cause of the problem and treat it effectively.  Regardless of whether it is an injury, misalignment, or a more complicated condition, our West Vancouver Chiropractor will examine you thoroughly.   By utilizing various orthopedic tests, Range Of Motion comparisons, and other neurological exams, he will strive to come up with a proper working diagnosis.   This initial exam will create a framework with which a treatment plan can be created just for you.

Treatment options can include soft tissue therapies, manipulation, modalities, and home exercises.  For almost all musculoskeletal back pain, you should start feeling better within two weeks.  If you are compliant with the treatment plan and follow the exercises given, you should start feeling better soon.  Our West Vancouver Chiropractor will also provide you with home stretches and exercises.

Whiplash, Accidents, Falls, Ergonomics and Posture

Neck pain

The neck is very flexible, allowing for a great deal of movement. However, it acts as the primary support for the head, which is heavier than most people think. If you are suffering from a sharp or dull neck pain in one or both sides of your neck, or perhaps you are struggling to move your head, we can help.  By using gentle and targeted treatments, our West Vancouver Chiropractor can restore joint mobility, ease entrapment, lessen muscle spasms, and return flexibility and movement to the neck.  Our West Vancouver Chiropractor can also help you prevent your neck pain from returning.

The adult human head weighs approximately 18 to 20 lbs.  It is supported by a robust interconnected chain of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.  This highly flexible structure must also be firm and maneuverable.  Injuries from sports or motor vehicle accidents usually cause micro damage to this structure.  Commonly referred to as a “Whiplash,” the sudden acceleration and deceleration of the head causes a sprain and strain on the soft tissue of the neck.

Whiplash, Accidents, Falls, Ergonomics and Posture

Neck pain

The neck is very flexible, allowing for a great deal of movement. However, it acts as the primary support for the head, which is heavier than most people think. If you are suffering from a sharp or dull neck pain in one or both sides of your neck, or perhaps you are struggling to move your head, we can help.  By using gentle and targeted treatments, our West Vancouver Chiropractor can restore joint mobility, ease entrapment, lessen muscle spasms, and return flexibility and movement to the neck.  Our West Vancouver Chiropractor can also help you prevent your neck pain from returning.

The adult human head weighs approximately 18 to 20 lbs.  It is supported by a robust interconnected chain of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.  This highly flexible structure must also be firm and maneuverable.  Injuries from sports or motor vehicle accidents usually cause micro damage to this structure.  Commonly referred to as a “Whiplash,” the sudden acceleration and deceleration of the head causes a sprain and strain on the soft tissue of the neck.

ICBC Pays For Your Treatments

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Suffering from whiplash is one of the most common injuries caused during a rear-end auto accident, causing neck pain, stiffness, and headaches.  As reported by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 53% of traffic accident victims suffer from whiplash injury each year. Our West Vancouver Chiropractor regularly treats whiplash injuries either from sports or, more commonly, from motor vehicle accidents.  By providing tailored treatment plans, relieving muscle tension, and pain, most of our patients get relief within days.  However, some accidents do result in disc injuries and other soft tissue complications such as acute tendonitis, sprains, and strains.  In this case, our West Vancouver Chiropractor can also provide a professional assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plans to help you recover.  These types of injuries could take a few weeks to heal. You can expect to return to a life free of pain and immobility by adhering to the treatment plan that has been appointed for you.

Our Chiropractic Clinic also accepts ICBC Claims directly.  Once ICBC has received and approved your claim, there is no out of pocket expenses for you to get treatment in our clinic. Our West Vancouver Chiropractor will work closely with your ICBC Claims Adjuster, to make sure you get the proper care you need.

ICBC Pays For Your Treatments

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Suffering from whiplash is one of the most common injuries caused during a rear-end auto accident, causing neck pain, stiffness, and headaches.  As reported by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 53% of traffic accident victims suffer from whiplash injury each year. Our West Vancouver Chiropractor regularly treats whiplash injuries either from sports or, more commonly, from motor vehicle accidents.  By providing tailored treatment plans, relieving muscle tension, and pain, most of our patients get relief within days.  However, some accidents do result in disc injuries and other soft tissue complications such as acute tendonitis, sprains, and strains.  In this case, our West Vancouver Chiropractor can also provide a professional assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plans to help you recover.  These types of injuries could take a few weeks to heal. You can expect to return to a life free of pain and immobility by adhering to the treatment plan that has been appointed for you.

Our Chiropractic Clinic also accepts ICBC Claims directly.  Once ICBC has received and approved your claim, there is no out of pocket expenses for you to get treatment in our clinic. Our West Vancouver Chiropractor will work closely with your ICBC Claims Adjuster, to make sure you get the proper care you need.

WorkSafeBC Claims

Work Injuries

Getting hurt at work could mean not only suffering from pain and disability, but also a lack of income and cause depression for some.  Luckily in this Province, all companies are governed by legislation to protect their employees by registering with WorkSafeBC.  WorkSafeBC provides insurance to help cover the costs of injured workers when they need treatment.  Ambleside Chiropractic Clinic in West Vancouver accepts WorkSafeBC claims directly and will provide you with chiropractic treatments at no cost to you.

If you do get injured on the job, make sure you report it to your employer right away.  Our clinic will then also submit a claim form on your behalf when you come in for treatment for that particular work injury.  Please let our reception know if your injury is a work injury when you call or come in for treatment.

Most Work-related injuries we treat are musculoskeletal type of injuries.  Back pain caused by repetitive or overloading of the back is quite common.  Other types of injuries, like shoulder and neck pain, are the next most common types. During your treatment and recovery, your employer can also offer you modified duties at work so you can take the time to heal.

WorkSafeBC Claims

Work Injuries

Getting hurt at work could mean not only suffering from pain and disability, but also a lack of income and cause depression for some.  Luckily in this Province, all companies are governed by legislation to protect their employees by registering with WorkSafeBC.  WorkSafeBC provides insurance to help cover the costs of injured workers when they need treatment.  Ambleside Chiropractic Clinic in West Vancouver accepts WorkSafeBC claims directly and will provide you with chiropractic treatments at no cost to you.

If you do get injured on the job, make sure you report it to your employer right away.  Our clinic will then also submit a claim form on your behalf when you come in for treatment for that particular work injury.  Please let our reception know if your injury is a work injury when you call or come in for treatment.

Most Work-related injuries we treat are musculoskeletal type of injuries.  Back pain caused by repetitive or overloading of the back is quite common.  Other types of injuries, like shoulder and neck pain, are the next most common types. During your treatment and recovery, your employer can also offer you modified duties at work so you can take the time to heal.

Sprains, Strains, Concussions, Whiplash and Musculoskeletal

Sports Injuries

Getting treated for your sports injuries early also means that you have a higher chance of faster recovery.  Be it soccer, hockey, or other sports, getting you back to playing means getting the proper chiropractic treatment.  Tell our West Vancouver Chiropractor the sport you’re playing, and he will customize a treatment plan to help get you back to playing faster.

Playing right after an injury whether it’s a minor strain or a traumatic body contact either in soccer or hockey is never a good idea. Symptoms can appear later on the same day or days after.  A head injury should be considered a mandatory visit to our clinic or your doctor’s office.  Symptoms of concussion and neck pain may last for hours or days.  For most musculoskeletal type of injury, getting treatment right away means faster healing.  Our West Vancouver Chiropractor will also give you home stretches and home care to do in between your treatment visits here at the clinic.  Dr. Andrew Chin has had many years of successfully treating active patients from the weekend warriors, young high school athletes to highly competitive Olympic athletes.  Getting regular maintenance care is more important than after injury care.  This preventative model of care prepares you to play better, be more competitive, and prevent serious injuries.

Sprains, Strains, Concussions, Whiplash and Musculoskeletal

Sports Injuries

Getting treated for your sports injuries early also means that you have a higher chance of faster recovery.  Be it soccer, hockey, or other sports, getting you back to playing means getting the proper chiropractic treatment.  Tell our West Vancouver Chiropractor the sport you’re playing, and he will customize a treatment plan to help get you back to playing faster.

Playing right after an injury whether it’s a minor strain or a traumatic body contact either in soccer or hockey is never a good idea. Symptoms can appear later on the same day or days after.  A head injury should be considered a mandatory visit to our clinic or your doctor’s office.  Symptoms of concussion and neck pain may last for hours or days.  For most musculoskeletal type of injury, getting treatment right away means faster healing.  Our West Vancouver Chiropractor will also give you home stretches and home care to do in between your treatment visits here at the clinic.  Dr. Andrew Chin has had many years of successfully treating active patients from the weekend warriors, young high school athletes to highly competitive Olympic athletes.  Getting regular maintenance care is more important than after injury care.  This preventative model of care prepares you to play better, be more competitive, and prevent serious injuries.

Back and hip pain


Most women will feel some discomfort in their mid and lower back in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.  Hip pain and discomfort is usually more pronounced in her third trimester.  Our West Vancouver Chiropractor often sees pregnant patients starting in the second trimester and will continue to treat expectant mothers up to the day of birth.  It’s probably well known that back and hip pain do accompany pregnancy.  What is not well known is that Chiropractic can help resolve and maintain the discomfort painlessly and drug-free.

Relaxin is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the ovary and placenta. Its primary function is to soften and widen the cervix and, more importantly, softens the ligaments in the pelvis.  Since the baby will have to move through the birth canal, the ligaments that are usually very strong and tight need to soften and relax for the delivery.  The results are shifting of the pelvic bones and increased stress on the low back and sacroiliac joints.  This constant shifting can cause hip, pelvis, and sacroiliac joint misalignments.  The increased weight in the second and third trimester also caused more pain and stress to the lower back.  Our West Vancouver Chiropractor can easily relieve that pain and discomfort by re-aligning those joints back into its proper place.