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What Is Glutathione And What Are Its Health Benefits? – Find out more from your Chiropractor in West Vancouver

Although you may have never heard of it, glutathione is one of the body’s most crucial antioxidants. It’s very potent and has an overarching effect on many conditions and the overall healthy performance of your body.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver offers some thoughts on what Glutathione is and it’s effects on your health in general.

Most antioxidants are usually found in your diet from naturally occurring sources, but glutathione is actually produced by your body. It is mainly composed of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. The combination of these has a lot of benefits for your body.

It’s important to keep glutathione levels high as they are known to decrease with age.  The decrease in Glutathione is also caused by a poor diet, ongoing disease, an increased level of stress, and even infections.

There are a few key terms that are important when it comes to understanding how and why glutathione is so important for your body: free radicals and oxidative stress.

Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress

Free radicals are unstable cells that contribute to illnesses and accelerate the aging process. There is complicated chemistry behind the concept of free radicals, and in reality, little is known about the direct impact they have on our aging bodies.

In short, free radicals break down existing cells and accelerate the aging process. This is known as oxidative stress; when there is an imbalance between the damaging free radicals and the body’s ability to heal the damage.

When the human body has a high level of oxidative stress it is thought to be more susceptible to serious diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.

How Does Glutathione Help The Body?

In short, glutathione produces more antioxidants, which in turn balance out and tackle the increase of free radicals (and oxidative stress) in the body. A study from the Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy stated that a deficiency of glutathione can lead to an increased level of oxidative stress, and the diseases and conditions that might result from that.

However, glutathione has other properties that have proven to be beneficial to the overall health of the body, while also tackling certain conditions or illnesses.

1.    Glutathione might improve psoriasis

Some studies have suggested that a dose of whey protein, given orally, can improve psoriasis with no extra treatment. Whey protein increases glutathione levels, so it was easy to conclude that increased glutathione levels can boost the body’s response to psoriasis.

2.    Glutathione can improve mobility for those suffering from peripheral artery disease

It has been suggested by a recent study that glutathione can improve general circulation for those who suffer from peripheral artery disease, a condition where arteries become clogged with plaque. This dose of glutathione is infused intravenously and did have a positive effect on the mobility of those patients.

3.    Can reduce damage to cells in alcoholic/non-alcoholic liver disease

Liver damage might be linked or even worsened by a lack of healthy antioxidants, glutathione included. This will eventually lead to fatty liver disease for both alcohol-induced disease and disease without alcohol misuse. Combined with healthy lifestyle changes, a regular dosage of glutathione has proven to have positive effects on those with liver disease.

Natural Ways to Boost Your Body’s Glutathione Levels

The above cases include measures that involve the medical treatment of glutathione, but there are also plenty of ways to help your body build up a healthy level of glutathione by making some simple changes.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver suggests some lifestyle and diet changes first that might be just as beneficial.

Consider keeping a healthy lifestyle and keep some of these ideas in the back of your mind, there are plenty of positive benefits to being aware of your body’s need for glutathione.

1. Eat foods high in Sulphur

Protein-rich food such as beef, fish, prawns, mussels, and poultry have dietary amounts of Sulphur that the body uses to make Glutathione.

However, there are vegetarian sources of Sulphur mainly from cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, onions, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.

2. Vitamin C

Foods that are high in Vitamin C are mainly from fruits and vegetables.  Colourful fruits like oranges, strawberries, mangoes, papaya, and pineapple to name a few.  Vegetables that are green and leafy, broccoli, kale, bell peppers, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes all are high in Vitamin C.

This water-soluble vitamin works as an antioxidant to protect cells from oxidative damage. It will then help the body by increasing protection against oxidative stress damage.

There is research that shows that Vitamin C is used to help reconvert oxidized glutathione back to its active form as well.

Even taking daily vitamin C supplements between 500s to 1,000 mg a day can lead to increased glutathione levels in white blood cells of healthy adults.

3. Selenium

Selenium is an essential mineral and also helps increase the production of Glutathione in the body.  The recommended RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for adults is 55mcg.  The production of Glutathione does depend on this particular essential mineral.

Good sources of selenium are Brazil nuts,  beef, chicken, fish (tuna), organ meats, cottage cheese, brown rice, and Oatmeal.

4. Whey Protein

Glutathione production depends on an amino acid called cysteine.  Certain foods that are rich in cysteine, such as whey protein can also increase your production of glutathione.

Whey Protein is easy to find and purchase from almost all health food stores.  Most protein powders that are mixed in as smoothie will contain Whey Protein.  If you are not sure where to get them or how to use it, feel free to ask your Chiropractor in West Vancouver.

5.  Regular and consistent exercise

Without question, a healthy lifestyle will always include not just a good diet but also regular exercise. A good combination of both weight training and cardio will increase your glutathione levels.  You may do one or the other but studies have shown that adding both gives you added benefits of higher glutathione production in your body.

6.  Don’t drink too much alcohol

The depletion of glutathione in lung tissue is linked to chronic alcohol use.  The small airways of the lungs do require glutathione to function normally.  Damage from daily alcohol use will reduce the amount of glutathione supply in the lungs and thus affect the normal function of not only your lungs but the body as a whole.

7.  Sleep.

Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver recommends sleep as one of the most significant things your body needs to repair itself.  A lack of sleep over a long period can result in a boost in oxidative stress and even cause detrimental hormonal imbalance, thus over the long term, greatly reduce your glutathione levels.  Make sure you get 7-8 hours of good restful sleep every night.

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