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Neck and Shoulder Pain: Also Known as “Text Neck”

In the field of chiropractic care, complaints of neck and shoulder pain are prevalent, and this can largely be attributed to the era of technology. Modern society heavily relies on technology, and much of our daily lives revolve around its use.

From spending long hours hunched over at the office to constantly texting and scrolling through our phones, these activities often strain our bodies and negatively impact our health and physical well-being.

More specifically, in this article, we will discuss a common issue in today’s society: cell phone use and its resulting condition known as “Text Neck”.

Although “Text Neck” may sound like a lighthearted term, it is actually a serious condition that can cause real pain and damage. In a technologically advanced world where more and more individuals, including younger age groups, engage in mobile phone usage, “Text Neck” has become a growing concern.

Not only is there an increasing population of mobile users, but the time spent using these devices is also on the rise. This is a worrisome statistic from a chiropractic and medical standpoint and can be considered a widespread epidemic in many developed countries.

So, how can we prevent this epidemic of technological pain? While the answer may not be overly complicated, taking the necessary precautions can be challenging considering the indispensable role of devices in today’s world.

But first, what exactly is text neck? Let’s delve into the details.

What is “Text Neck”?

“Text Neck” is an injury or source of discomfort resulting from excessive use of mobile devices combined with poor postures and positions that strain the neck and shoulders.

Using mobile devices for extended periods can cause significant damage if not done with care. Even though it may seem innocuous to simply look down at an object, as a chiropractor, I can attest that it can indeed lead to issues.

So, why does “Text Neck” occur? As mentioned earlier, it primarily stems from poor posture. The constant downward neck position, spinal curvature, and internal rotation of the shoulders associated with excessive mobile phone use contribute to the development of “Text Neck”. 

In the business we call this anterior weight bearing of the head, neck and shoulders.  Not unlike a turtle sticking it’s head and neck out of it’s shell.  The average human head weighs about eighteen to twenty pounds.  So imagine having your neck and shoulder muscles having to hold that weight when you are craning your head forwards for a long time.  For some, sitting at the computer or looking down at the laptop it could easily mean hours.  Just sitting waiting for the bus and then riding the bus, looking down at your mobile phone constantly has the same results of “Text Neck”.

“Text Neck” has become a global epidemic, especially in first-world countries, and addressing this issue requires increased attention and awareness. From a chiropractic perspective, it is crucial not only to provide chiropractic care but also to implement lifestyle changes to combat text neck. The specific approach can vary depending on the individual.

The first step is to recognize the symptoms of “Text Neck”. By being aware of the symptoms, you can seek appropriate treatment. However, it’s worth mentioning that prevention is always the best approach.

Common Symptoms of “Text Neck”

To initiate the recovery process, it is crucial to become aware of the injury and acknowledge its presence. This starts with being informed about the symptoms, honestly assessing whether you are experiencing any of them, and taking the necessary steps for treatment.

Here are some common symptoms of “Text Neck” and general neck and shoulder pain:

– Neck stiffness, tightness, or pain

– Reduced range of motion in the neck

– Weak muscles in the neck, back, and shoulders

– Headaches and migraines

– Pressure around the head

– Poor posture

– Shoulders that are rolled forwards

– Posture that is concaved forwards like the letter “C”

– Eye strain

– Nausea

– Vertigo or dizziness

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or a loved one, remember that they are indicative of a larger issue. “Text Neck” is just one problem, but if left untreated, it can lead to more significant problems such as a cervical disk injury, arthritis development, spine degeneration, and reduced lung capacity.

This underscores the importance of treating the issue early on and preventing it from becoming a more serious concern.

The Solution

The key theme here is awareness and taking action. While we cannot completely avoid technology, we can moderate its usage and monitor its effects. We can take control before technology controls us. The value of technology is undeniable, but we must also be aware of its potential dangers.

To prevent text neck and its associated issues, it is essential to control your device usage, maintain good posture, and seek preventive treatments on an ongoing basis. Some of these treatments include massage therapy, chiropractic care, stretching and yoga, rest and recovery, and ice baths and heat therapies.

The best way to prevent “Text Neck” is to be aware time and position:


The amount of time you are spending looking at your mobile device or monitor. Set a maximum time of no more than 30 minutes.  Take a break after that, shrug your shoulders and move your head and neck to get some blood flow to relief those tired muscles of your neck and shoulders.


Sitting in an upright position with the proper distance to your monitor or laptop reduces not only eyestrain but also prevents you from curling into an anterior weight bearing position.

Holding your mobile device to the same level of you eyes is also a good posture to have since you will soon tire of holding that position will be forced to take a break.

If you or someone you know is suffering from “Text Neck”, chiropractic care can be beneficial. Skilled chiropractors are trained to address and manage text neck and related problems. Through structural and muscular approaches, chiropractic treatment can realign the spine, vertebrae, and correct the underlying issue.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver will also treat the fatigued muscles of your neck and shoulder together with any mobilization techniques.  He will also give you some stretches and exercises to help you when you’re at home or at work.


If there’s one takeaway from this article, it’s that prevention should be your top priority, whether it’s “Text Neck” or any other emerging problem. By being mindful of your mobile device usage, addressing posture deficiencies, and understanding the consequences, you increase your chances of conquering the issue and emerging as a healthier, happier person.

If you are already dealing with neck and back pain, it is not too late to start treating it at its source. For all your chiropractic needs, consider visiting Ambleside Chiropractic Clinic in West Vancouver. We look forward to helping you with your “Text Neck” complaint.

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