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Sleep Patterns And Getting Older, Advice From Your Chiropractor in West Vancouver

Do you wake up feeling sleepy or well-rested? Sleep is an essential part of your life. It isn’t easy to function without plenty of sleep, and your body will tell you when you haven’t had enough. But how much sleep is enough? Do you need less sleep as you get older? 

The problem is that there is no 100% proven, clear-cut, and factual guarantee for how much sleep your body needs to feel great when you wake up. No two people will sleep in the same way, and two people might prefer sleeping at different times.  A child will also need more sleep as they grow into adulthood.  Daily activities will also play a factor in how much rest and recovery you need.

What has been proven is the body’s changing sleep patterns as someone grows older. Children and adolescents need more sleep than young adults and older adults. This difference is because their bodies are still growing, and sleep is nature’s way to provide children with growth and nourishment.

But how much sleep do you need in your 20s? In your 50s? In your 70s?

Do You Sleep Less As You Get Older?

Everyone has heard of the magical “8 hours” of sleep, and many professionals still stand by this number. Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver does recommend seven to eight hours of sleep as a general rule of thumb for a healthy lifestyle, no matter your age.  You can vary with a bit less or more, but the average of 7-8 hours of sound sleep well see you refreshed when you wake up.

Whether you’re 24 or 74, the amount of sleep required actually differs very little, but the way that we sleep can change a lot across those years. Sometimes, not for the best.

It’s not always as simple as sleeping for 7-8 hours. There can be a whole host of reasons why your sleep might be interrupted, why it might be harder for you to fall asleep as you age, and the knock-on effects of having a poor sleep schedule.

There’s a common misconception that you just sleep less as you get older, but it’s more likely there are underlying causes as to why you might find yourself sleeping later and getting up earlier. 

One of the leading reasons is having information and entertainment readily available 24 hours a day.  The choices offered are many, and it is without a doubt that “screen time” has changed the way we sleep.  There was a time in the ’50s and 60’s when there were only one or two TV channels, and those went off the air at midnight.  The internet was unheard of, and tablets and mobile phones were only fantasies in science fiction shows.

Sleep Disorders, Aches, Pains, and Insomnia

As Chiropractors in West Vancouver, we are primarily concerned with the aches and pains that might be keeping you awake. Still, there are actually quite a few reasons why you might be finding it harder to get a good night’s sleep as your body ages.

The term “Sleep Disorders” actually covers a breadth of different conditions, such as insomnia, breathing problems, and the restless movement of your body as you try to drift off to sleep.

Even these aren’t easy to tidy up into one reason or cause. There are so many different contributing factors that can lead to disrupted sleep, leaving you with the feeling that you just can’t get rested.

There could be an underlying condition – a problem with the heart, or arthritis – or a lack of sun exposure. You might drink too much alcohol or not enough water. Depression can lead to insomnia, or insomnia can lead to depression.  Anxiety and mental overload in some can also lead to insomnia.

Despite years of studies into sleep, there is still a lot up for debate.

Chiropractic Care and Improving Your Sleep

Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver isn’t just about treating and reducing the pain in your back or neck.  It is also about treating the interlinking parts of your lifestyle and the health of your body as one whole package.  Wholistic care is at the forefront of how our Chiropractor in West Vancouver will evaluate and help treat your specific condition.

Whether it be improving your diet, introducing an exercise and stretching regime that suits you, and helping out with conditions such as arthritis, chiropractic care can help you on the path towards getting better sleep each night.

Here at Ambleside Chiropractic in West Vancouver, we’ve helped many patients improve their sleeping schedule, sometimes just because of a knock-on effect of other treatments.  Helping to remove that back or hip pain will go a long way to improving your recovery and sleep.

Chiropractic care can reduce tension in the body and relieve discomfort or pain that might be interrupting your sleep schedule.

We can also advise you on the best sleeping posture and recommend particular mattresses and pillows that might help you sleep better.  Even a nightly routine of gentle stretches and specific postural exercises that you can try before bed and when you first wake up will help you get a better night’s sleep.

It’s Not About Sleeping More Or Less; It’s About Sleeping Better

Just because you find yourself sleeping less as you get older doesn’t mean you should accept it as a natural occurrence. A lack of sleep can cause significant problems as you age, including the deterioration of the mind and body.

Whether you seek chiropractic care at Ambleside Chiropractic in West Vancouver or another form of treatment, you should address the causes behind your disrupted sleep before they take a toll on your health. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be sleeping well, no matter your age.

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