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Staying Hydrated And Spinal Health – Tips For This Summer From Your Chiropractor in West Vancouver

Drinking plenty of water has health benefits year-round, but during the summer months, it’s even more important to keep your body hydrated. The health benefits of hydration are wide-ranging and can have seriously positive effects on the strength of your spine.

As a Chiropractor here in West Vancouver, I’ve long viewed general health as the key to achieving a healthy spine, strong muscles, and flexible joints as we age. Keeping hydrated, sleeping well, and exercising regularly are the foundations for a healthy body.

Hydration and The Body

Did you know that up to 60% of the body is composed of water? That the brain and heart are composed of 73% water? Even bones have a high water content at around 30%. Hydration has an impact on every part of your body.

  • Water lubricates joints all over the body. The fluid your body produces to keep your joints lubricated is called Synovial fluid. This is composed mostly of water. The more water you drink the better the Synovial fluid works at keeping your joints lubricated, flexible, and ultimately healthy.
  • Water moves oxygen and nutrients to your cells. This is important for pretty much all bodily functions, but it is also directly related to spine health. The soft cushioning discs between the vertebrae require water to remain strong and flexible.
  • Keeps bodily tissue moist. Adequate hydration keeps body tissue moist and healthy, including your eyes, mouth, and nose. This is particularly important during the summer when it’s easier to lose water and moisture in the warm climate.
  • Hydration and body temperature regulation. Water is the key way in which your body regulates its temperature. This happens in the form of sweat. Sweat releases calories as heat and keeps the body a healthy temperature, especially when it is hot outside.  The hotter it is, the more you sweat and the more water your lose.

Hydration and Spine Health, The Specifics

Good hydration keeps your body in healthy shape in many, many ways. In terms of spine health specifically, water provides the nutrients your spinal discs need to stay strong and healthy.

Your spinal discs are made almost entirely of water and yet cannot absorb water on their own.

How do the discs get the water they need to stay strong?

There is a process called imbibition caused by the movement of the joints around each disc. This repetitive motion creates an action like a pump which allows the discs to get the nutrients and water they need.

Proper hydration doesn’t just deliver the right amount of water and nutrients to the disc, but proper hydration also allows for better lubrication in the joints, thus accelerating the process of imbibition. 

How Much Water Is Needed?

The exact amount of recommended water intake per day depends on the individual, activities, health, and general diet.  Our advice as chiropractors is to stick to around a quarter to half your body weight in water per day.  The rule of thumb of drinking six or eight 250 mL (8 fl oz) glasses of water per day is a good rule but you have to remember it is just a general rule.  Just make sure you never feel thirsty and try to stick with plain water without additives.

This is easier to understand than sticking to a set number of glasses without taking into account exercise, or the intake of alcohol or coffee.  Caffeinated beverages and food such as vegetables and fruit will still count towards your daily water intake.  However, it’s never a bad idea to have more water in your daily diet.

During the summer months, it’s a good idea to up your intake of water. This is particularly important if you are outside in the summer sun or spend time exercising in the heat.  You’ll lose a lot of water and electrolytes in the form of sweat and urine.  Make sure you carry a bottle or two of water with you when you go out and play in the sunshine.  You’ll lose more water than you think.  Keep on taking sips of water as you go.  You’ll feel refresh and able to continue with your outside activities without fatigue.

The Knock-On Effects Of Poor Hydration

Poor hydration has a negative effect on almost every part of your body, from your brain to your bones. As a Chiropractor here in West Vancouver I often associate spine, muscle, and joint health with a patient’s general health.

In terms of spine health specifically, a lack of hydration can cause the discs to become weaker and more susceptible to herniation and general back pain. There is a direct correlation between poor hydration and faster disc degeneration.

As discs degenerate the body will experience the related effects in the bones, joints, and muscles.  When the discs in the spine are dehydrated, they tend to lose their height and not able to provide adequate cushioning between the vertebrae.  This will in turn cause more wear and tear on the facet joints and will invariably lead to the progression of osteoarthritis of the spine.  Bone spurs and general degeneration of vertebral joints will appear and so will increased pain and immobility of the spine.  It’s not unusual to see fused spinal sections with either very little disc left or none at all with severe osteoarthritis.  As of now, there is no known way to reverse the effects of osteoarthritis.  Most of the pain is managed with medication and in some cases, surgery to clean up the debris, and the stenosis of the spine if needed.

There is however a way to prevent all this from happening.  Prevention by drinking more water is the simplest way to keep your spine healthy and strong.  Regular check-ups with our Chiropractor in West Vancouver can not only help diagnose problems early but also help maintain your spinal health and mobility. I have patients that come in to see me once a month for regular spinal check-ups and adjustments to make sure their spine is at its optimum health. Remember that spinal adjustments and massages can also have a direct impact on the success of the imbibition process in the spine, making it easier for your body to absorb the water and the nutrients it needs. 

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