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Stretching Advice From A Chiropractor In West Vancouver

Stretching isn’t just reserved for after-work runs or for the first thing you do when you wake up. Although it feels great to stretch after a workout, you should be stretching regularly.   You really should be stretching if you feel uncomfortable pain and aches in your back. As a well-visited Chiropractor in West Vancouver, at Ambleside we come across many cases of back pain that can be prevented with even a daily simple stretching routine.

Without regular stretching, it’s highly likely that you’ll come across decreased joint flexibility and an increased risk of arthritis as you get older. Our muscles tend to get less flexible the older we get.  Therefore we need to spend more time maintaining our flexibility as we age. Here are a few simple stretching tips to help keep your spine and joints healthy now and into the future.

1.   A West Vancouver Chiropractor Tip For Better Stretching

Stretching is the best way to maintain your body for the natural aging process. The more you stretch now, the less likely it will be that you’ll have problems with your hips, knees, and back in the future.

Medical professionals and Chiropractors alike recommend you should have two intense stretching sessions a week, at least, even if they only last about 60 seconds apiece. In general, you should be considering stretching for up to 15 minutes a day – the benefits are instantaneous! However, if you’re undertaking physical activities, you should stretch more regularly before and especially after exercise.

Before you exercise, you should do a bit of dynamic stretching. This pre-workout stretch is vast, like a lower-intensity form of your activity, such as a brisk walk before a run. It’s a significant benefit if you stretch after you exercise, too, as your body usually is more flexible after a work-out.

2.   Different Types of Everyday Stretches

There is a wide range of easy stretches you can do every day as part of your stretching routine. Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver can offer personalized advice on your specific spine health, so visit us in West Vancouver for more specific tips and stretching information.

However, there are some basic stretches that are useful for everyone. Take the simple hamstring stretch, for example.  This stretch is one you probably had no problem doing when you were a child.  However, as an adult and prolonged sitting, you perhaps find that this simple stretch is quite challenging to do now. All you need to do is sit on the floor with your legs outstretched and bend forward as far as you can, keeping your legs and back straight at the same time.

Sitting stretches are also a good idea if you sit a lot for work.  Some simple sitting stretches like spinal twists, which involves curving your spine side to side, and the neck roll, are straightforward stretches to try at work.

3.   If You Spend A Long Time Sitting, You Should Stretch More Regularly

The modern workplace involves long hours in front of the computer. You should regularly stretch your legs, back and neck during the day, especially if you start to feel uncomfortable pain in your back.

This stretch is a simple back stretch recommended by our Chiropractor in West Vancouver.  Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and roll your back and shoulders while slightly bent forward. The recommendation is that you do this for 2-minutes every working hour to get the full benefit of stretching.

Even without stretching, you should be getting up to move around the office, or at least taking your eyes off the screen every 30 minutes to an hour.

4.   You Should Always Check With A Professional Chiropractor in West Vancouver If You’ve Sustained An Injury

Stretching is a powerful tool to help you look after your spine, hips, and neck easily every day. However, if in the past you’ve experienced a traumatic spine, neck or another type of injury, you should always check with a chiropractor before stretching regularly. Our Chiropractor in  Ambleside Chiropractic in West Vancouver can offer you specialized advice that will target your back and neck health.

5.   Prevent Boredom and Fit Stretching Into Your Daily Routine

Your stretching routine shouldn’t have to feel like a tedious necessity. There is now a wide range of different stretching techniques to keep things interesting.  Many modern stretching methods have now been merging into activities like Yoga. You could always visit your local Chiropractor in West Vancouver for a few tips and tricks about new stretching techniques.

Likewise, you should try to fit your stretching technique into your daily routine. This daily stretching routine should not feel like it’s taking up too much time to do.  Just by reserving a small portion of your day either in the morning or evenings is all that is required. You’ll notice the effects almost immediately, with sizable differences in your flexibility, a reduction in tension and soreness, and overall feeling of health after a few weeks.  The best time to stretch is just before bed.  Try doing this every night, and you might feel less sore and tight when you wake up in the mornings.

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