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The Effect Your Diet, Has on Your Joints & Bones – Advice From a Chiropractor in West Vancouver

Aches and pains around your body aren’t always associated with your diet, but the truth is that what you eat has a more significant effect on your joints and bones than you think. Our Ambleside Chiropractor in West Vancouver often offer patients a comprehensive dietary suggestion to improve the symptoms of arthritis, as well as other conditions.

An Arthritis-Friendly Diet

There are a few key factors to keep in mind when planning a diet based on arthritic pain. First and foremost, it’s crucial to remember that each patient is different and therefore has various dietary restrictions and needs. There are also many types of arthritis, whether it’s osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. No two diets are the same either, and there is no set magic diet that will help soothe the symptoms of arthritic conditions.

That’s where your Chiropractor in West Vancouver can help. It’s his holistic outlook on health that helps provide all the tools and information to help you with your particular condition. His job is to diagnose your pain and your diet and make recommendations based on his findings.  Nutrition is a standard curriculum in chiropractic college.  A better understanding of how different kinds of foods can help maintain your health is part of our individualized patient care program at Ambleside Chiropractic in West Vancouver.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods & Understanding Which Foods Might Cause Pain

As a baseline, there are a few types of foods that you should avoid if you suffer from the symptoms of arthritis. Fried and processed foods, inflammatory foods, dairy products, wheat, alcohol, and tobacco are some of the well-known types of food that worsen the symptoms of arthritis. Right down to specific meals, the kind of food you eat could be having a negatively undiagnosed impact on your body.

Take dairy; for example – the effect of dairy foods has on arthritis in certain patients can differ widely due to a particular protein in cow’s milk. This protein, called A1 beta-casein, has been shown to increase the transit time in the intestines and cause GI inflammation.  This protein can lead to lactose intolerance for some people. It can also increase inflammatory markers such as IgG, IgE, and IgG1. For arthritic patients, increased inflammation could also worsen the symptoms of arthritis. Studies have also shown that there is an improvement in their arthritic symptoms after switching to a different type of milk, dairy-free or a vegan diet.

Diet Alternatives

Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver will usually recommend a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables first.  You still need protein, carbohydrates, and some fats in your diet to keep an even balance to your daily requirements. Here at Ambleside Chiropractic in West Vancouver, we work closely with our patients to keep track of their eating habits.  We are also making a concerted effort to note improvements wherever they occur. Getting the proper diet is usually a trial and error process in the beginning,  although the overall consensus is that you should live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthful bodyweight if you have a proper balanced diet and exercise.

Eating a Diet To Make Your Bones Stronger – Help with Osteoporosis

As your body ages, it’s more likely you’ll begin to notice more aches and pains in your joints and bones. More commonly, the condition of osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones over time. It means that there is less bone mass and causes your bones to be more brittle. Osteoporosis can be caused by a variety of different reasons, from a poor diet, excessive alcohol/smoking, lack of regular exercise to taking certain medications over a long period.

There are a few foods and vitamins that are proven to help with the symptoms of osteoporosis and even prevent the more severe symptoms of osteoporosis in the long-run. It’s not unusual that older men and women do not get enough protein, calcium, and vitamin D in their diet, a major contributing factor in osteoporosis diagnosis.

Foods That Are Good for Your Bones

For healthy bones, you need calcium in your diet, around 70mg a day. Milk, cheese, and other dairy products are typically a high source of calcium, although you can also get the calcium you need from vegetables, tofu, soya, nuts, and more. Your Chiropractor in West Vancouver will be able to offer a comprehensive list of essential foods for bones and make recommendations on the effect they have on your body.

As Well As Your Diet, You Should Also Be…

While your diet does have a significant effect on your joints and bones, it should be part of living a healthier lifestyle in general. A great diet is just one factor of spinal and bodily health while exercising, and regular visits to your Chiropractor in West Vancouver will also help you maintain good overall bone and joint health.

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