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The Importance of A Good Posture

We all know that proper posture is good, and poor posture is, well, poor. But do you know why? In short, good posture is nothing but the proper alignment of the body, whether you are standing or you are sitting.  Over the years, our Chiropractor in West Vancouver has seen numerous cases of back pain that could have been avoided with a good posture.

So, why do so many people have poor posture even though they can recognize good posture when they see it and vice versa?  The answer may be simple, though the building of the habit, not so much…

For many of us, we spend our days in office chairs, slumped over at our desks and computer screens, hunched and heavy due to the level of fatigue or laziness we feel during a given moment.  But that’s OK! The fatigue part, not the poor posture part.  We can all do better to improve our posture.  It will pay dividends in the long run if we spend a bit more time working on a good posture.

Why is Good Posture Good?

You see, good posture isn’t only about the way we look. Good posture translates into good health, better moods, and more productive activity.  It also reduces pain and discomfort, injury even.  Good posture can also improve bodily functions like digestion and bowel movements.

In contrast, poor posture can result in poor moods, a reduction in productivity, a lack of interest in your work or the world around you, and can even result in pain, injury, and poor health.

Who knew that something so simple could have such an impact on one’s daily life. Who also knew that something so habitual could negatively impact one’s health at that. Whether sitting or standing, the importance of posture is significant because it can affect one’s life drastically in many ways. It’s that simple.

Not convinced yet? Maybe you understand it but still aren’t motivated enough to take action in improving your posture…Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of good posture, shall we?

Good Posture Equals No Back Pain

The spine is imperative to health and longevity. Proper alignment not only allows you to simply move without thought, something many of us take for granted, but it also reduces the stress on your body, thus reducing the anxiety and worry on your mind.

For those who suffer from back or neck pain or worst – both, it may be just a simple adjustment to your posture that can have drastic benefits to your current suffering.   

Take, for example:  working on the computer.

Most of us sit on the desk and, over time, get tired and slump over the keyboard and mouse, staring into the monitor for possibly six or more hours a day.

What do you think that does to your neck and shoulders?

The muscles will eventually get fatigued, and it won’t take long before you start complaining of neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and eventually chronic pain with even the simplest movements like trying to look over your shoulders.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver sees this type of complaint every day.  All this pain and anguish could have been avoided simply with better posture at work.

Good Posture Equals Good Mood

When discussing the mental aspects of our health, we very rarely resort to thinking about it from a physical standpoint. However, contrary to popular belief, much of our mental angst can be solved by alleviating our physical aches and pains.

Our brain and body are connected. So the next time you catch yourself drifting towards a bad mood, take notice of your posture. Are you hunched over looking at the ground? Are you leaning to the side with your shoulders in front of your neck? Or is your chest out towards you, eyes to the horizon?

I bet that if you make those minor adjustments, your mood will immediately shift for the better.

Good Posture Equals Good Digestion

As mentioned previously, posture can actually have an impact internally in your body.  The anatomical structures, including your internal organs, can be negatively impacted by poor posture. While poor posture may simply look like a bad day on the outside, there might be a lot happening on the inside as well. By slouching over in an unnatural position, the organs surrounding the abdominal region can be impacted for the worst.  The decreased space and unusual placement of your gastrointestinal tract can affect digestion and the normal movement of wastes and other processes, thus causing stomach pain and constipation.

If you suffer from acid reflux, for that matter, begin to look at your posture holistically. It may be that very habit that has you feeling so poorly. Adjust it, and you may end up feeling anew.   Sitting up straight when eating and also after eating will help with your digestion.  Activity such as going for a relaxing walk after a meal also helps get the food down easier.  Obviously, sitting in a slouched position when eating or eating when lying down is a recipe for acid reflux and indigestion.

What Does Good Posture Look Like?

So, you’ve heard everything about why good posture is good and why a lousy posture is terrible. You’ve learned the importance of good posture, whether sitting or standing and how poor posture can impact your daily life. Moreover, you’ve learned the necessity of good posture when it comes to your overall health and well-being.

Well, it’s great to have the knowledge, but it means nothing if you don’t know how to put it into practice! So, what does good posture look like, and how do you begin to get in good posture?

Below is a quick and easy guide to follow whenever you catch yourself in poor posture:

  • Keep your chin tucked and parallel to the floor
  • Chest out, head up
  • Keep  your eyes level or slightly above the horizon
  • Bring your shoulders down and back
  • Ensure that your spine is neutral with no over or underemphasis in its natural arch
  • Engage the core
  • Don’t allow your knees to cave inwards
  • Distribute the body equally over both feet

In addition to these quick and easy cues, it’s important to point out that in order to achieve good posture consistently over time, exercising and building strength can be a great way to ensure this.

By strengthening the core musculature, along with the shoulder girdle and back muscles, will set your posture up for success.  Not to be forgotten, a strong glute and legs will also help keep your posture and spine erect without muscle fatigue when you walk.  Your body is designed to move, so help it move by strengthening those major muscle groups, thereby improving your posture naturally.

Without muscle or strength, we’re nothing but limp rag dolls with poor posture!

Now that you have these suggestions to use whenever you find yourself cheating on good posture, you have no excuse to continue with poor posture!

In Summary

Whether you’re sitting or standing, posture remains a crucial factor in one’s health, both mental and physical. It improves blood flow, nerve health, and even muscle, tendon, and joint health. As mentioned throughout this article, it can even save you from serious back pain or even severe mental consequences like anxiety or depression.

In short, a good posture is good because it keeps your body in harmony.  When you come in to see our Chiropractor in West Vancouver, he will not just check your area of complaint but also make sure it works in conjunction with the rest of your body.  He can see a bad posture from in the first few minutes of your visit. A good posture is a strong indicator of the fitness and health of your musculoskeletal system. So the next time you’re sitting or standing for long periods, remember to remain aware of it, tweak yourself as you begin to fade, and keep a good posture at the top of your priority list!

Lastly, consider implementing an exercise regiment to your daily/weekly schedule if you haven’t already. Building strength across your body will not only keep you healthier but will, in turn, allow easier access to a proper posture.

So, sit upright and keep tight, or stand tall and conquer all – good luck!

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