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What is Shockwave Therapy? Advice from your Chiropractor in West Vancouver

Shockwave Therapy has currently been used as a treatment for urological issues and sports injuries for some years now, and only recently has the treatment become widespread in medical and chiropractic clinics across the world. Now, ordinary people are finding the brilliant benefits of Shockwave Therapy for a range of chronic soft-tissue and other long-term and painful conditions.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver has had great success treating a variety of soft-tissue and other related injuries using Shockwave Therapy for the past five years.  Shockwave Therapy only used to be the treatment of choice for elite athletes and the wealthy.

Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver typically uses Shockwave Therapy to treat a range of conditions, such as elbow, shoulder, foot and ankle pain, spine and neck problems, and even common sports injuries like tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow and calcified tendonitis in the shoulder. If you’re uncertain whether Shockwave Therapy will benefit you, or fit your circumstance, visit our West Vancouver Chiropractor, Dr. Andrew Chin for a chat today.

What exactly is Shockwave Therapy? What happens during the procedure?

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive and now a cost-effective treatment for chronic pain in tendons and ligaments across the body, as well as orthopedic and rehabilitation treatment. The main focus of the treatment is to provide immediate to fast pain relief and restoration of mobility to sore and painful areas.  You can expect to regain mobility and pain-free movement in a few short weeks.

In short, you can think of Shockwave Therapy as a sort of pressure pulse that expands towards the area of pain from the transmitter. Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver applies the treatment to the problem area, and positive effects can usually be felt usually within just 3 to 5 treatments, although this does differ depending on the severity of the pain.

Shockwave Therapy sends bursts of energy through a patient’s body. These shockwaves apply a type of sound wave energy to a target area, intending to repair and heal soft tissue issues. Generally, this occurs as the energy sort of “bursts,” for want of a better word, and stimulates the tissue to heal on its own while also breaking down potentially painful calcium build-up.

How Shockwave Therapy Helps

Shockwave Therapy is a multi-faceted treatment inasmuch; it provides several healing properties in one. Whether it be the formation of blood vessels, the breakdown of calcified fibroblasts, or easing on the production of new collagen, shockwave therapy can be used for a variety of different healing methods.

Blood Vessel Formation

Healthy blood flow works wonders for the repair of damaged tissue, joints, and bones. Stimulating the formation of new blood vessels with Shockwave Therapy is excellent for applying treatment to tendon and bone.

Great for Faster Recovery

Shockwave Therapy is a common tool for healing sports-related and chronic, hard to heal injuries because of its ability to increase blood flow and hence increase healing. More blood to the area of injury means faster healing and recovery.  Shockwaves target Mast cells and increase their activity, aiding in the healing of the injured tissues. 

Is Shockwave Therapy painful?

Shockwave Therapy targets soft tissue and creates an inflammatory response, and as a result, can cause mild discomfort during treatment. It is a very slight sensitivity that generally passes quite quickly within a few seconds. Following treatment you may also experience some soreness and very minor discomfort in the targeted area, although this is a healing pain and shows your body is recovering well. This soreness usually only lasts not more than a day.

Finding the Balance with a Trained Health Professional

Shockwave Therapy is non-invasive and safe, although the procedure can still feel uncomfortable and sensitive in some situations. It’s the task of your doctor to find the right balance between how much energy is needed to repair the soft tissue while making sure you don’t feel uncomfortable during the treatment. Thankfully, here at Ambleside Chiropractic Clinic in Ambleside, our Chiropractor in West Vancouver has had additional training to gauge the correct calculation to help you heal without the discomfort. 

The Two Types of Shockwave Therapy – Focused and Radial Shockwaves

Radial has been the most common form of Shockwave Therapy for some time. Known also as Soft Shock, radial shockwave therapy offers a larger area of treatment.

On the other hand, focused shockwaves, or hard shock, offers better accuracy at healing targeted areas of pain.

Both methods of treatment have their pros and cons, and can even be used in conjunction with each other for specific procedures. Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver will be able to offer advice on the best form of shockwave therapy for you.  To learn more about how Shockwave Therapy can help you, please visit our website on Shockwave Therapy at

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