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Does Everyone Get Osteoarthritis? Advice From Your Chiropractor In West Vancouver

One of the most complaints our West Vancouver Chiropractor hears about is Osteoarthritis.  Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and affects millions over the age of 60. It’s likely what many associate with the phrase “arthritis”, although there are many other types that can develop with age. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone will get osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is commonly referred to as the ‘wear and tear’ of the joints in our body as it is mostly concerned with the degradation of cartilage in the weight-bearing areas, such as the hips, and knees being the most common areas.

Data suggests that 70% of people over the age of 65 will have some degree of osteoarthritis at some point in their life, but some will go through life without suffering from any major symptoms.

It’s Not Just About Your Age…

Osteoarthritis does become more common with age, but age is not the only factor that determines whether or not osteoarthritis will develop.

It’s uncommon, but osteoarthritis can develop between the ages of 20 to 30 due to overuse or exertion of joints and the cartilage. Obesity and general joint wear-and-tear (or injury) are the most common factors that determine arthritis at these younger ages.  Years of playing contact sports like rugby, football, hockey, soccer, or even running are some common sports that will lead to the early progression of Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is also more common in those who have a genetic connection to the condition. Some people inherit a gene that is deficient at producing cartilage, so if a relative has suffered from this form of arthritic development than you might also develop the condition at some point.

People who are born with joint abnormalities or a spinal abnormality, such as scoliosis, are also more likely to develop osteoarthritis with age.

How To Prevent Osteoarthritis

Although osteoarthritis is a very common condition as the body ages, it is not inevitable that you will develop the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. There are certain ways you can help your body stay healthy and arthritis-free, even as you get older.

As osteoarthritis is concerned with the wear-and-tear of your joints, it pays to take care of your joints while you can. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly,    and stretching when necessary are simple ways to steer your body away from arthritis.

Posture is also key. This is especially important if you regularly work at a desk. Staying in the same posture for an extended period is a sure-fire way to cause arthritis over time. It’s a good idea to get up and stretch and move those joints regularly.

How Osteoarthritis Is Diagnosed

If you begin to feel the symptoms of osteoarthritis it’s a good idea to get the condition diagnosed as soon as possible. Our West Vancouver Chiropractor will listen to your description of the symptoms, where the pain is felt in the body, and then arrange for a physical exam or an X-ray if necessary.

X-rays are used to determine what type of arthritis you may be suffering from. It’s an effective method to check for joint degeneration and general wear and tear. On occasion, a blood test might be suggested to check to see if it’s osteoarthritis or another form of arthritis.

Treatment For Osteoarthritis, Advice From Your West Vancouver Chiropractor

There are a variety of different treatments for osteoarthritis, ranging from simple joint exercises to more specifically targeted physical therapy.

As chiropractors, we’re here to offer you personalized advice on what might work for your specific case of arthritis. No two conditions of osteoarthritis are the same and it’s often worth getting a specific diagnosis and treatment.

Other treatments, such as weight loss or medications, will be recommended on an individual basis. Daily non-weight bearing activities are encouraged to keep the joints and synovial fluids in those joints healthy.  Swimming, walking in a shallow pool, stationary biking, and seated yoga are all different types of exercises to maintain joint health.

Surgery can be effective in certain situations to relieve pain. This is usually suggested when other treatments haven’t been effective.  Removal of bone spurs or joint fusion in the spine might be suggested.  Knee and hip replacements are also proven and safe to maintain mobility in the long term.

The Importance Of Exercise and Weight Loss In Preventing and Treating Arthritis

Exercise and weight loss are the two key factors that patients should focus on when trying to prevent or treat osteoarthritis.

Your weight has a direct impact on the condition of your joints. The more weight that the joints need to handle will thus increase the joint wear-and-tear over time.

Gentle exercises, such as swimming or walking on a flat surface, are ideal for exercising the joints without causing too much stress or wear-and-tear.

Activities that increase joint pain, such as jogging or high impact sports, should be avoided if you’re experiencing the symptoms of arthritis.

If you are not sure what activities you should do, please feel free to ask our West Vancouver Chiropractor.

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