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How To Keep Your Immune System Healthy, Advice From Your Chiropractor In West Vancouver

Your immune system is the most important line of defense your body has against sickness and it works around the clock to protect you from microorganisms that might cause illness. Despite this, every now and then your immune system gets weak.  A germ or virus breaks down the defenses and causes you to get sick.

But what can you do to help your immune system stay healthy and strong? What’s the best way to take control of your immune system and help it tackle everyday sickness-causing germs and viruses?

Studies remain inconclusive about the best ways to help your autoimmune response and there is no scientifically-proven direct correlation between lifestyle habits and the effectiveness of the immune response.  There is however clinical correlation to having a healthy diet, lifestyle, and a positive mental outlook that definitely helps strengthen your immune system.

The immune system is delicate and has to be kept in balance – there isn’t much known about how the immune system communicates and interacts with your body. Studies will continue into how your lifestyle impacts the immune system, but in the meantime, healthy lifestyle changes are a good way to improve the way your body functions and fights against illness.

Strengthen Your Immune System, The Simple Steps You Can Take Now!

While researchers debate the impact of a healthy lifestyle on your immune system, there are a few simple steps that are guaranteed to leave you feeling healthier in general and give your body a fighting chance against sickness.  Our Chiropractor in West Vancouver suggests taking the following steps to help strengthen your immune system:

A healthy diet – this is essential. Vitamins, minerals, nutrients form the basis of your body’s health. This manifests itself in healthier bones, stronger muscles, and can even have a significant impact on your mental well-being. Plenty of fruit and vegetables will have you feeling healthier in no time at all.  Fuel your body with nutrient-dense food as it helps nourish not just your body but boosts your immune system to fight colds and viruses.

Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is a key part of our advice as a Chiropractor here in West Vancouver. Exercise and managing your weight are great for your overall health, and not just your bones and joints. Improving your immune system should be helped along with a holistic approach.  A daily combination of at least 1 hour of activity that increases your heart rate will improve blood flow to all the vital organs, muscles, and joints in your body.  This in turn will help with your mental and physical health, thus helping your immune system function at its peak efficiency.

Sleep. The importance of a healthy sleeping pattern cannot be stressed enough. Sleep gives your body time to rejuvenate and repair itself. 7- 8 hours is the recommended amount of sleep and you should follow the body’s cyclical day and night patterns to allow the hormonal responses of your body to work well. A good balance of serotonin and melatonin is also recommended, which means plenty of sunshine and less screen time before bed.

Alcohol is proven to reduce the strength of your immune system. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drink alcohol at all – the act of drinking alcohol in a social setting actually goes a long way to reduce stress levels (more on that in the next point below). However, alcohol consumption should be managed in moderation.

High-stress levels are tied to many conditions and diseases, as well as a feeling of overall fatigue and unhealthiness. If there are any ways to minimize stress, you should take steps to seek relaxation wherever possible.  Yoga, meditation, soft relaxing music, socializing with friends and family often, exercise, stretching, and avoiding watching the news are good ways to help you de-stress.

Your Immune System and Age

There is a direct correlation between a reduction of the strength of your immune system and your age. The life expectancy in many countries has continued to rise, which has also led to an increase in age-related conditions.

Studies are mixed as to why exactly this happens, but one plausible reason is a lack of important nutrition as the body ages. Even in affluent countries, a form of malnutrition known as “micronutrient malnutrition” is a lack of essential vitamins and minerals that are usually found in a healthy diet.

Elderly people tend to have a less varied diet or eat less. It’s important to consult on your diet with our Chiropractor in West Vancouver as a balanced intake of nutrients is crucial to a healthy and strong immune system.

Again, studies are decisively inconclusive on the direct correlation of malnutrition on the immune system, but it is clear that those who do have poor diets are more likely to contract illness and diseases.

The Bottom Line, Advice From Your Chiropractor in West Vancouver

The overall health and strength of your immune system are determined by a wide range of factors. While it can be difficult to tell what exactly is having an impact on your susceptibility to infectious diseases, overall dietary health and a healthy lifestyle are seen as sure-fire ways to protect yourself against problems in the future.  So our Chiropractor in West Vancouver will be sure to tell you to eat well, exercise, laugh a lot and get lots of sleep!

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